Hendala Baptist Women’s League continues its mission as in the past. The membership at present is nearly 35 and with the able leadership of the President, the office bearers and the committee, the society is still serving the Lord with social & spiritual activities. Monthly cottage prayer meetings are being held. They conduct prayers with the ladies residing at the retirement home. The ladies of the league visit the sick and uplift them with their prayers, which is very much appreciated by the sick.
Once a Year a Bring and Buy sale is held and the money collected from the sale is being utilized to help the needy. They visit the sick in the hospitals and the women in the prison. Donations were made to the women’s section of the prison to enable them to start self employment projects after they are released and sent back to be with their families.
Weekly Bible studies are being held for the young ladies.
The women’s league is an asset to the church especially during church functions. Some ladies play an active role in the Sunday School by teaching the children at Hendala and Minuwangoda.